3 Ways to Get Along with Difficult People

Have you ever met someone who really “pushed your buttons?”  Perhaps it was a family member or co-worker.  A natural reaction is to either push back or to internalize and somehow feel like it is your fault.  Either situation can lead to anxiety.

Here are some tips to feel much more comfortable when dealing with difficult people.

  1. Stand firm – Take several slow deep breaths, if possible.  If someone says something in an argumentative manner, don’t engage in the negativity.  Think about it. If you “return fire” with your words, you’ve effectively given up your personal power.  Stay steady and calm.

  2. Listen – When you listen rather than speak, it generally disarms angry people.  Often, they expect you to argue.  When you listen instead, you positively change the dynamic of the situation.

  3. Remember that it’s probably not about you – In my experience, when people are upset, it’s rarely because they’re mad at me personally.  Usually, there is some situation that has them acting out.  When you come to the realization that it’s not about you at all, you can relax.  Further, you might be able to help them address the issues that are causing their negativity.

As you develop confidence using the techniques above, you’ll notice that in general, your daily interactions with people become more positive.


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